Be faithful in small things because it is in them that your strength lies.- Mother Teresa
To be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you something else is the greatest accomplishment.- Ralph Waldo Emerson
Creative is intelligence having fun. - Albert EinsteinEmpowered
When you embrace each other you empower each other.- Deacon Yellow
About Us
Face Worldwide provides public relationship, event organization, advertising productions and graphic design and productions services to all companies, firms and organization majorly. The business of Face Worldwide serviced all over the world, for example, United Kingdom, Hong Kong, China, Australia. The business will be developed continuing in the future.
The cadre in Face Worldwide serviced in the 4A classed interntional advertising firms and sizable PR & Marketing firms. We have built up many famous interntional brand-images to the clients. By virtue of our affluent experience and our professional attitutes, we will provide our high quality and economy services infallibly.
With project management offices on 3 continents, Face Worldwide can provide 24-hour support in any time zone. Our project managers work with leading business process systems so that we can fulfill rush and overnight requests promptly and efficiently.
We provide design and printing serivces to non-profitable organizations. The clients will be dollar-charged. The creative and design section are free-of-charge. The target is to service the community.
The consultants in Face Worldwide provide professional corporate / brand image building and innovative ideas to different industries and business partners. We have extensive experience with sizeable firms and in serving famous clients and brands. We fully turn our theories into pratice that create profits for our business partners.PUBLIC RELATIONSHIP & MARKETING SOLUTIONS
Face Worldwide resarched that a lot of companies fail to attract their target group even a lot of of resources and time is used. Therefore, our marketing strategies are based on a cost-effective way to design promotion package in order to suit the needs of our business partners.It is proved that the sales volume of our business partners have been rose up by 100% due to our promotion methods. We ensure we have fully utilized every dollar at a effective way.
We are experienced in organizing large-scale events and creating optimal pace and atmosphere to ensure smooth flow of activities and to draw market attention and to achieve the best participation rate.- Luncheons / dinners / cocktails
- Press conferences
- Product launch / Corporate presentations
- Site visits
- Large-scale conference sand business fairs
- Seminars
- Exhibitions
- Research
- Typesetting
- Publishing
- In-house printing department and Circulation
Our proficient multi-language translation and copywriting specialists provide accurate and timely service to our clients making sure their voice is delivered through every single word.PHOTOGRAPHY, DESIGN & PRODUCTION
With our professional creative and production team, Face Worldwide provides our clients with one-stop creative and production services so as to enable the integrity of corporate / brand image throughout the whole promotion and advertising strategies.- Corporate video
- Product / Event photography
- Corporate brochure
- Company stationeries>/li>
- Presentation materials
- Annual / interim reports
- Web page design
- Offset and digital printing
To ensure video production is accessible, affordable and achieves maximum effect, we hone our collective passion and skill for working up engaging video content. Our video production packages cater to the ever-changing and demanding market, ensuring that you stay at the forefront of the industry. Using film-grade equipment and the latest 4k technology, combined with our team’s collective skills and knowledge ensures we keep video production within budget, on schedule, and with maximum results achieved – the perfect culinary combination to increase your money-making potential. Reserve a time slot with us, we have something for everyone!We are experienced in video production in:
- Testimonial
- Business or product introduction
- Case studies
- Event
- Interview
- Green screen shooting
Being the second freest economy on the planet, Hong Kong has a deserved reputation for being a hub for global big business, connecting the West to the East. What is not so well known however, is that Hong Kong also actively encourages the growth of small to medium enterprises (SMEs), both local and foreign owned.To do so, the Hong Kong Government has created several grants to fund, foster, and support SMEs to become successful within the Hong Kong Economy.
You can learn more about Hong Kong Funding here!
How do we tell our client stories?
We are a professional story teller.
Contact us
Where to meet
Unit A-B, Level 12, Hang Seng Causeway Bay Building,
28 Yee Wo Street, Causeway Bay, Hong Kong
Phone: +852 2719 2999
33/F, OOCL Plaza, 841 Yinan Zhong Lu
Jinan, Shanghai 200040
People Republic of China
Phone: +86 1511 207 2228
China - Shenzhen and Guangdong Province
Room 1901-05, 19/F, Golden Triangle Building
Nanshan, Shenzhen 518053
People Republic of China
Tel: +86 132 6695 2999
88 Baker Street
London W1U 6AE
England, United Kingdom
England - Manchester
4 Wolsey Drive
Bowdon, Altrincham
Cheshire, Manchester